Mothers and Daughters (Part 1)

The relationship between mothers and daughters is energetically, emotionally, and spiritually complex on many levels. It is meant to be that way. This blog is written with deep love and respect for all mothers, including my own. It is written to honour mothers and the role of women systemically. The…

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  This is not a pro-life or pro-choice discussion on abortion. It is not a discussion of the right to have an abortion or not. This is about the emotional and energetic impact of an abortion on an individual and/or the greater family system. It’s a discussion about what happens…

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Boundary Setting

This post supplies you with boundary setting exercises. I experienced these exercises in various forms at workshops and trainings. Boundary setting is essential to sever energetic entanglements with the living and the dead. In Systemic Constellations, a long scarf is frequently used to create a physical reminder that there is…

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Symptoms Create A Boundary

Many physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and relational conditions and symptoms create a boundary for an individual. This is especially evident when the individual doesn’t have a healthy strong energetic boundary in life. In its infinite wisdom, the unconscious mind, which is imprinted in the cells of the body, provides a…

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Healthy Boundary

After reading my last blog, you may be sensing that some of your relationships with others may not have a healthy boundary. There may be unresolved emotional trauma lingering from the past creating unhealthy relationships with those who are living and those who have died in the physical world and…

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Systemic Healing

Systemic healing of human beings frequently runs counter to quantitative empirical study because it takes into account that we are unique creatures. Systemic healing focuses on context. One of the limitations of scientific study is that it continually seeks commonalities to back a hypothesis. If a particular event Z occurs…

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Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

The systemic impact of colonization influences the lives of all North Americans, and knowledge of the legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools is vital to understanding the reality today. It also impacts the wellbeing of peoples and societies all over the world where colonization was and is a part of…

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Residential Schools

There has been one more death far too soon, and one death is too many. This blog is written with respect for the Indigenous peoples of Canada and first peoples of other nations around the world that are experiencing continuing emotional trauma individually, within families, and within communities today as…

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Epigenetics is a fascinating empirical field of science. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is an area of neuroscience and genetic research that has grown rapidly over the past decade. One empirical study after another has created a package of quantifiable evidence to show that the emotional trauma of animals and human beings…

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Immigration (Part 2)

Last post I discussed the need for awareness about the emotional baggage carried transgenerationally through ancestral immigration or current immigration.  I said it is held in the cells of the body until it is acknowledged, accepted, and healed.  If you are stuck in life in some way or struggling with…

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