Heal Yourself

Did you know that you have the capacity to heal yourself?  Are you wondering about my sanity?  Is this too unrealistic for you?  Think again.  Medical practitioners, either western or eastern, alternative wellness practitioners, psychotherapists, or counsellors do not have the capacity to heal the client or patient.  Whether you are the practitioner, client, or patient, to assume they have this power is hubristic and illusory.  To the contrary, you have the innate ability to heal yourself.  The practitioner only has the capacity to guide or navigate the healing journey in relation to the various teachings they have acquired through education or experience.  Each practitioner provides a different piece of the puzzle.  If we all have the capacity to heal ourselves, what is holding us up?

Healing and Perception

Quite often the stumbling block is your own belief system.  Do you feel inside that you have the capacity to heal yourself?  If not, that’s where the shift needs to happen.  Your perception of life is the key to your wellness.  If you don’t feel that you can heal yourself than the chances of creating this energy shift is slim.  If you assume that it is the role of others to heal you then you will not be able to heal yourself.  When you are strong energetically, have deep self-love for yourself, remain connected to your inner authentic core and to the universe around you, have healthy boundaries with others, and release yourself from energetic ties and unhealthy relationships within your family system that hold you back, then you will feel ready to heal yourself.  Healing takes place one step at a time and the first step is changing that unhelpful perception of your own capabilities.

Healing and Timing

Healing occurs when the timing is right for you.  This timing is frequently determined by the journey you chose to experience in this human lifetime.  You may have chosen to struggle with a major challenge early in life or you may have decided to make your final physical or mental conditions your major lifetime challenge.  In many situations, a mid-life crisis was chosen as a wake up call to your spiritual potential or spiritual remembering.  Frequently you can tell that the timing is right when the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual body responds quickly to any intervention or guidance.  Understand that it is your birthright to live life to the fullest.  Is the timing right for you?  If you are interested in my blog posts than the timing is right for you.  Understanding if the timing is right for you will not come from the external world around you but rather from deep within you.  Listen to the wisdom of your inner voice as it speaks to you with compassion and love.  Sometimes that inner voice has to give you a kick in the butt to get you moving forward. Breathe and listen.

The Meaning of Healing

Healing can take many shapes and many forms.  Healing does not always follow our human perception of the process.  Let it be understood that death can be healing.  Living with pain can be healing.  Living with an illness or a condition can be part of a healing journey, initiating spiritual development and growth.  No generalizations are foolproof or entirely effective when it comes to healing.  Healing has different meaning for every individual.  Your definition of healing might be very different from mine depending on the journey you decided to embrace on planet Earth and the lessons you chose to learn.  Be assured that your definition of healing differs as widely from mine as the experiences and background each of us has lived.  I might have a physical condition that remains and yet I may have a wonderful outlook on life.  You may have a similar physical condition and feel like a victim of the universe and feel like the world is out to get you.  Your inner healing journey guides your outer healing journey.

Responsibility for Healing Yourself

You are empowered from birth or even as far back as conception to make a deep inner decision to shift energetically when the timing feels right for you.  Only the inner spirit or soul knows when the timing is right for healing itself.  You may have many more challenges to live but a healing journey will help you to respond to them in a different way.  Some individuals have to hit rock bottom physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or relationally, or lose everything financially before they feel the desire to take responsibility to shift something in their life.  Others never feel the desire to take responsibility for their own wellness and they go to their grave carrying much of their unresolved familial and ancestral transgenerational emotional baggage with them.  Each of us is on a different journey.  We remain well when we take care of ourselves first in a loving, compassionate, and healthy way and then consider what resources, time, or energy we have available to share with others.

Are you Ready to Heal?

If you consciously or unconsciously choose not to change the way you are currently experiencing life, then there is little the practitioner can do about helping you shift the energy blockage to wellness.  You will not be open energetically to the guidance you are given by others.  If the timing is not right, to remove one block will only bring about the creation of another.  An overall shift into healing will bring about change in your life and in your conditions.

The Healing Choice Belongs to You

The practitioner can provide treatment or therapy options but healing comes about when you choose to heal yourself.   Your body, mind, and spirit will respond to interventions when you are emotionally and spiritually well.  Sometimes confronting our unwellness on a healing journey feels more difficult than living with the illness, symptoms, conditions, or relationship difficulties.  Some individuals make the choice to live with their conditions or symptoms rather than stepping more fully into their healing journey.  We cannot make an assumption about what is right for any person’s healing process.

Practitioner as Navigator

I find myself at this point in my life writing and working one to one with clients, utilizing systemic family constellations and other practices, in the role of navigator, providing different options and paths for them to consider along their healing journeys.  I am not in a position of power over the wellness of a client.  I walk alongside the client at their behest.  The client initiates the process and has the autonomy over it.  The client is empowered to change or stop the process if it feels right to them in a body-felt sense.

When the client is ready, healing may occur.  The client’s healing journey may come up against some energy blockages, those times when they feel stuck.  Often unbeknownst to them in these situations, the client may be consciously, or more frequently unconsciously, acted upon or influenced by their greater family system or community soul.  Each family member is drawn through love and loyalty to participate in balancing and healing the greater family system.  Personal conscious decision-making may be overridden by the greater collective family soul, without the knowledge of the family member who is being impacted.  These blockages can however be sorted out and acted upon in a healthy way, bringing about healthy relationships where unhealthy ones currently exist.

It’s Up To You

Regardless of your symptom, condition, or situation, accept that you are the key player in healing yourself.  Are you ready to take on this challenge?

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