Adopted Child (Part 2)

Adoption links four family systems together in their fate and the adopted child is energetically placed in the middle.  There is the biological mother and her family system, the biological father and his family system, the adoptive mother and her family system, and the adoptive father and his family system. …

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Adopted Child (Part 1)

The adopted child may experience unconscious, unresolved energetic emotional entanglements with their biological family system.  Unless the adoption is openly emotionally processed by everyone involved, there will be individuals living the impact of this unresolved emotional suppression and trauma through struggle in some way. The individual who has been given…

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Heal Yourself

Did you know that you have the capacity to heal yourself?  Are you wondering about my sanity?  Is this too unrealistic for you?  Think again.  Medical practitioners, either western or eastern, alternative wellness practitioners, psychotherapists, or counsellors do not have the capacity to heal the client or patient.  Whether you…

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Emotional Entanglements (Part 3)

Let’s discuss Energetic Emotional Entanglements that come out of unresolved family emotional trauma and wounds.  If you are struggling with chronic conditions, repetitive life patterns, and/or relationship issues that aren’t serving you well, and you can’t seem to shift the energy, then this post might be for you.    Part 1…

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Emotions (Part 2)

Each relationship you experience in life is meant to trigger your emotional response in some way.  Why do you think families have so much drama?  Your family of origin is a training ground to teach you how to respond emotionally to situations.  Many of these emotional responses are learned unconsciously…

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Ritual (Part 1)

Ritual and Healing In the context of healing, ritual and ceremony are ways to give meaning to events and relationships.  Ritual can affect transformation and bring about a certain sense of awareness, presence, ceremony, and empowerment.  Ritual can take you to a different level of consciousness.  Ritual is often felt…

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Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma

Systemic family constellations revealing long-term holding patterns of fear may link to chronic illness & emotional stress or trauma.  The underlying basis of stress and trauma is fear.  The research community has recently shifted gears and there is now a long list of chronic conditions and dis-eases, originally thought to…

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Ancestral Emotional Wounds (Part 3)

Is your life entangled with many of the common ancestral emotional wounds?  Do you feel your relationship with your mother and father is compassionate and loving (see Part 1 and Part 2 of this post) and yet you are still struggling or challenged in life in some way?  You may…

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