Adopted Child (Part 3)

Gaining compassion for the biological parents and their journey in life is key to the wellness of the adopted child.  Gaining compassion for self is equally important.  This blog series is just as important whether you experienced adoption, the foster care system, or were raised by anyone other than your…

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Adopted Child (Part 2)

Adoption links four family systems together in their fate and the adopted child is energetically placed in the middle.  There is the biological mother and her family system, the biological father and his family system, the adoptive mother and her family system, and the adoptive father and his family system. …

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Adopted Child (Part 1)

The adopted child may experience unconscious, unresolved energetic emotional entanglements with their biological family system.  Unless the adoption is openly emotionally processed by everyone involved, there will be individuals living the impact of this unresolved emotional suppression and trauma through struggle in some way. The individual who has been given…

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