Systemic Healing

Systemic healing of human beings frequently runs counter to quantitative empirical study because it takes into account that we are unique creatures. Systemic healing focuses on context. One of the limitations of scientific study is that it continually seeks commonalities to back a hypothesis. If a particular event Z occurs X number of times out of Y possibilities, then we can say there is some degree of correlation. It tends to leave out human experience. It tends to leave out the impact of the researcher. It tends to leave out spiritual dynamics. It tends to leave out emotion.

Quantitative empirical studies have an important role to play but they are not fond of uniqueness. The only time that uniqueness comes into play is when you are the one in a million with some rare condition.  Uniqueness doesn’t lead to correlation. We are unique spiritual beings living a human lifetime filled with emotional experiences. We understand the world around us through emotions. Every event, situation, or relationship is interpreted through emotions. Our bodies gather in the stimuli from the external world and we use emotion to give it meaning. Of all the millions of bytes of information we are exposed to in every moment, we use filters developed through these past experiences to decide what is important to us and let the rest go. We store our experiences and interpretations of life as emotions in the body. This is the aspect that is sacrificed to achieve empirical data. In many studies, it eliminates what makes us uniquely human.

Human Uniqueness

Each human body is unique. Even identical twins are unique through the expression of their genes. Epigenetics reveals a unique transgenerational emotional inheritance.

There might be similarities that can be generalized but systemic healing taps into the concept that the wellness of the human body is contextual. Your body carries the messages to potentially heal itself and regenerate. You have to take responsibility for your own wellbeing and learn to understand the language of your body. Your body is customized to provide you with all that you wanted to experience in this lifetime. It is there as a vehicle for your spiritual development and growth. Body conditions and symptoms are not about punishment, although sometimes they may be about atonement. We are unique, however we live within family systems that continually seek to balance themselves. Sometimes one atones for the behaviour or emotional experiences of another, perhaps one, two, or three generations back, to balance the family system.

Part of the Whole

Family systems ensure that all members of the family system are welcomed and included in the system. We all have a place in this lifetime. Everyone has a right to belong regardless of what they may have done or not done.

The actions of family members serve the development and growth of the greater family system. Energetic ties or entanglements link family members to one another. Family members are not only connected through blood and DNA. Sometimes these entanglements serve us well and in other situations they keep us from moving forward in a healthy way. Our family system is separate from other family systems as each one seeks to fulfill the development and growth of that particular group as a whole. At the same time we are all connected through a greater universal electromagnetic field of energy that flows through each of our bodies, connects each one of us to the other, and extends indefinitely outward throughout space.

Purpose of Symptoms

The symptoms, conditions, and life challenges you experience are there to provide you with an opportunity for growth. It is up to you to decide how to respond to them. You can explore, expand, and be creative; or you can live through your fears in a tight rigid controlled world. Your symptoms are a message from your unconscious mind. They provide you with information to help you fulfill your life development goals.

The symptoms of the body are befriended in order to understand why they have appeared, or to understand what is sustaining them energetically. In systemic constellations, symptoms are generally benevolent and they frequently serve the individual in some way. Symptoms may be telling you that you have unhealthy relationships that need to shift. Symptoms may be prodding you to change your behaviour when it isn’t serving your highest good. For example, if you continually get colds and flu, it’s likely a message to slow yourself down. The message is clear that you are doing too much, you are stressing your immune system, and you need to slow down. This mindset is opposite to the mindset of modern medicine. Medicine says you are sick and need to be cured or fixed. Your immune system is compromised because you have a virus or bacteria present.

Systemic Healing

Systemic healing flips this mindset. It suggests that your immune system was susceptible to the virus or bacteria because you have unresolved emotional issues to address. Some emotional energetic entanglement from the past is causing you to stress yourself out or push yourself too hard. You may have unresolved childhood bonding issues or ancestral emotional trauma that needs attention. The cells of your body have been stewing in a malignant soup filled with unhealthy ingredients for too long. These unhealthy ingredients are heavy emotional energies, often referred to as negative energies. Any soup made with unhealthy ingredients will tend to make you sick.

Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind speaks to you when it figures that it is time for you to address a particular issue within your life or family system. Remember that you can’t leave your family system behind. In self-preservation, the unconscious mind is saying you are harming yourself. The symptom is a message from the unconscious mind, which is imprinted or stored in the cells of the body. The messages become stronger if you ignore them. Symptoms may return over and over, become more intense, group together with additional symptoms, set rigidly in place to await your response, or spread to other parts of the body. This is your unconscious minds way of communicating with you that something needs to change or shift in your way of being. What needs to shift may be conscious or unconscious to you. That’s when it’s time to begin exploration. Diagnosis can often shut down this exploration. When you receive a diagnosis, you often stop wondering. It is tapping into your imagination, unconscious mind, and deep inner self that helps you understand your symptoms.  You have to step outside the box.

Emotional Inheritance

When the message of the symptom is elusive, tapping into the scientific field of epigenetics suggests that you might want to look at any unresolved emotional trauma of your parents and ancestors that may have been transmitted down to you transgenerationally. What they left unprocessed and unresolved emotionally may be carried in your body. If you find yourself with repetitive life patterns that don’t serve you well, that keep you from succeeding in life, or stop you from moving forward in life, then it’s time to check the health of your relationships with your parents and ancestors.

Unhealthy relationships reveal unhealthy boundaries. Unhealthy relationships often reveal emotional and non-life giving energetic entanglements with others.

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My next blog will be about creating a strong healthy boundary for yourself with the living and with the dead.

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