
Let’s take a look at what happens when anger is suppressed or carried down transgenerationally through a family system. Sources of Anger Anger may be the result of feelings of injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, betrayal, embarrassment, or resentment.  Anger that originates in frustration may simmer on the back burner over weeks,…

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Boundary Setting

This post supplies you with boundary setting exercises. I experienced these exercises in various forms at workshops and trainings. Boundary setting is essential to sever energetic entanglements with the living and the dead. In Systemic Constellations, a long scarf is frequently used to create a physical reminder that there is…

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Epigenetics is a fascinating empirical field of science. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is an area of neuroscience and genetic research that has grown rapidly over the past decade. One empirical study after another has created a package of quantifiable evidence to show that the emotional trauma of animals and human beings…

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