
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Let’s talk systemically about money. How many of you inwardly cringed or otherwise perked up at the mention of money? Discussing money is a difficult thing for many individuals to do, however, it is a systemic emotional family issue that desires greater attention. Many families don’t discuss their relationship…

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Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

The systemic impact of colonization influences the lives of all North Americans, and knowledge of the legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools is vital to understanding the reality today. It also impacts the wellbeing of peoples and societies all over the world where colonization was and is a part of…

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Residential Schools

There has been one more death far too soon, and one death is too many. This blog is written with respect for the Indigenous peoples of Canada and first peoples of other nations around the world that are experiencing continuing emotional trauma individually, within families, and within communities today as…

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Immigration (Part 3)

Immigration (Part 3) discusses the transgenerational emotional impact of immigration on individuals, families, and communities. I have just returned from a trip to Germany where I enjoyed my second intensive training in systemic constellations with the faculty of the International Systemic Constellations Association at Bernried, Germany. I followed that with…

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