A Twin Dies (Part 1)

The subject of what happens when a twin dies has come up in conversation several times recently; so let me explore the topic.  The loss of any family member to physical death is traumatic, and when that happens to be your twin, it may exponentially impact your wellbeing throughout life. …

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Adopted Child (Part 3)

Gaining compassion for the biological parents and their journey in life is key to the wellness of the adopted child.  Gaining compassion for self is equally important.  This blog series is just as important whether you experienced adoption, the foster care system, or were raised by anyone other than your…

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Adopted Child (Part 1)

The adopted child may experience unconscious, unresolved energetic emotional entanglements with their biological family system.  Unless the adoption is openly emotionally processed by everyone involved, there will be individuals living the impact of this unresolved emotional suppression and trauma through struggle in some way. The individual who has been given…

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Energetic Separation From the Dead

Do you need some help in creating a healthy energetic separation from the dead in your family system?  Using genosociograms, systemic family constellations, and ritual can be quite effective in this pursuit.  If you read my last blog post you will understand what I’m referring to when I say you…

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Intimate Emotional Relationship (Part 4)

Let’s discuss Energetic Emotional Entanglements and how they impact our emotional decision making in intimate relationships.  In systemic family constellations work we say, “family systems marry family systems.”  We seek out our deep energetic emotional and spiritual healing through intimate relationships.  This is true whether you are married officially through…

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Ritual (Part 2)

Ritual and Responsibility Conscious intention is required to participate in one’s own healing journey and to create meaningful ritual.  This is stated to differentiate between those who heal as a result of the collective prayers or healing energy sent by others, sometimes without an individual’s direct conscious knowledge.  It is…

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Ritual (Part 1)

Ritual and Healing In the context of healing, ritual and ceremony are ways to give meaning to events and relationships.  Ritual can affect transformation and bring about a certain sense of awareness, presence, ceremony, and empowerment.  Ritual can take you to a different level of consciousness.  Ritual is often felt…

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Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)

I find ritual or ceremony can be very effective to let go of fears.  Set aside a quiet time for yourself where you won’t be disturbed.  If you happen to have an intimate partner, perhaps the ceremony could be done together.  Or maybe you have a close friend or sibling…

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Let Go of Fears (Part 1)

It’s vital to let go of fears for health and wellness.  The first part of this post discusses the impact of carrying fears and the second part provides you with a ceremony for letting go of fears.  Many of you are carrying fears that have long-overdue expiry dates.  Each of…

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What Is Healing? (Part Two)

It would be rare to find a person who has travelled through childhood unscathed by emotional wounds. You may be surprised to learn that many of these unconscious wounds have seemingly innocuous origins and you may not even be aware that you carry them. At some point in time when…

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