Ritual (Part 1)

Ritual and Healing In the context of healing, ritual and ceremony are ways to give meaning to events and relationships.  Ritual can affect transformation and bring about a certain sense of awareness, presence, ceremony, and empowerment.  Ritual can take you to a different level of consciousness.  Ritual is often felt…

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Stop Living in Agency

It’s in your own best interests to take care of your needs first and to let go of living in agency.  This will shift you toward physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and relational wellbeing.  When helping others, if it is being done out of love, and you take care of your…

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Living in Agency

Living in agency is energy deadening.  Within the family or in the community, the words “I want,” “I need,” or “Can you…?” pull individuals into agency.  If you respond to the needs of others at the expense of your own needs, you are living in agency.  You have stopped listening…

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Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)

I find ritual or ceremony can be very effective to let go of fears.  Set aside a quiet time for yourself where you won’t be disturbed.  If you happen to have an intimate partner, perhaps the ceremony could be done together.  Or maybe you have a close friend or sibling…

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Let Go of Fears (Part 1)

It’s vital to let go of fears for health and wellness.  The first part of this post discusses the impact of carrying fears and the second part provides you with a ceremony for letting go of fears.  Many of you are carrying fears that have long-overdue expiry dates.  Each of…

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Give and Take in Relationships (Part 2)

Through body focused systemic family constellations, you learn to recognize the importance of give and take in relationships.  Give and take is developed in relationship with your mother while in utero, during birth and infancy, and in early childhood.  The natural order is for mother to give to you and…

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Give and Take in Relationships (Part 1)

Through systemic family constellations, we gain insight around give and take to create healthy relationships.  It’s through give and take in relationships that we have our needs and wants met.  Give and take go hand in hand and we learn how to do both through our early relationship with mother. …

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How You Belong

You can use systemic family constellations to understand how you belong into your family system.  Are you the black sheep?  Every family has an unwritten set of rules or norms that are expected to be followed by each family member.  As a young child you learn to follow the rules…

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Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma

Systemic family constellations revealing long-term holding patterns of fear may link to chronic illness & emotional stress or trauma.  The underlying basis of stress and trauma is fear.  The research community has recently shifted gears and there is now a long list of chronic conditions and dis-eases, originally thought to…

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Are You Stuck in Life?

Are you stuck in life?  Systemic family constellations provide insight for shifting unhealthy relationships into healthy relationships.  This past weekend I spent three days in a systemic family constellations workshop and training.  These relationships may be with your intimate partner, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, or other community members in…

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