Let Go of Fears (Part 1)

It’s vital to let go of fears for health and wellness.  The first part of this post discusses the impact of carrying fears and the second part provides you with a ceremony for letting go of fears.  Many of you are carrying fears that have long-overdue expiry dates.  Each of these fears is imprinted onto the cells of your body and the memory of the unconscious mind is very long.  These imprints travel from generation to generation through epigenetic inheritance.  Your body continues feeling these fears even when the event or situation that created the fear in the first place is long gone.  That’s why we sometimes have fears that don’t seem to be grounded with any event.

Emotional Imprints

Let me give you an example of my own recent ceremony where I let go of fears.  I recently realized that I was still carrying fears in my body for my children that date prior to their births.  My oldest son was born two months early and my fears for his survival were imprinted in my body at that time.  Six weeks with my son in neonatal units was a long time for me with many monitors going off to create fears.  That was 26 years ago.  My subsequent pregnancies all carried the fear of delivering too soon and I did go into preterm labour with all of them.  My second son put me into premature labour at five months gestation and was born at eight months.  After experiencing a miscarriage with my third pregnancy, the fear increased for the survival of my youngest son.  His father tragically died in an accident when I was just six weeks pregnant with him so his tiny developing body felt the emotional grip of fear for his survival, grief, and sorrow tightly wrapped around him while he was in utero.  The fear that I carried for the survival of each baby was very real at the time.

The baby picks up everything going on for the mother emotionally from the time of conception.  The egg that becomes the baby has been impacted by its mother’s emotions since she was a developing baby about five months gestation herself.  They also inherit the unresolved emotional trauma of their ancestors.  Until the age of three or four, when the hippocampal complex and amygdala areas of the limbic system in the forebrain develop more fully, fears, emotions, emotional events, and memory are processed for the child by mother.  That’s why the early bonding relationship with mother is so important.  The emotions are imprinted on the cells of our body and we have little conscious recall of this early time period in our lives.  The memories are stored in the unconscious – the body.

Energy Deadening Fears

Perhaps your fears involved the health or wellbeing of a loved one or an aging parent.  Our fears and any other emotion such as worry, anger, resentment, sadness, grief, sorrow, or rage epigenetically impact the expression of our genes.  These emotions sit imprinted in the cells of our body.  With the expression of the genes, depending on which switches are on or off, they shift the emotional outcome from generation to generation.  These darker emotions have their value and we all need to experience them at some time in our lives, but when they are allowed to take over our life, they become energy deadening.  When I was younger I didn’t know about releasing fears.  It’s now time for all of us to go through the process to let go of fears together.  When we let go of fears, for our lives and the lives of others, we free everyone to live their own fate and life to the fullest.

It’s important to let go of fears you carry, even if you don’t know the origin of the fear.  I am referring to conscious and unconscious fears.  Unconscious fears are behind that anxiety you may feel and yet you don’t know where it is coming from.  Some fears originate with your parents, some with your grandparents, and this epigenetic inheritance can be traced up to ten generations in some families.

Fears for a Child

If you are a parent, fears for your children are commonplace.  We all fear for their safety.  As they set out stumbling about learning to walk until they venture out with friends late at night as teens, one fear after another sits in our psyche.  So, how does one let go of fears they carry?  Since the fear is sitting in the cells of your body, the release needs to happen as a body-felt sense as well.

Compassion for Self

Essential to healing is letting go of any blame or judgement.  It was what it was.  Then let it go.  Be gentle with yourself and have compassion for yourself.  The healing work that you do to let go of fears will radiate outward to all those around you.  Be patient.  Check with Part 2 of this post for a ceremony to let go of fears.

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