Energetic Separation From the Dead

Do you need some help in creating a healthy energetic separation from the dead in your family system?  Using genosociograms, systemic family constellations, and ritual can be quite effective in this pursuit.  If you read my last blog post you will understand what I’m referring to when I say you are drawn or turned to the dead.

Drawn to the Dead

Are you sensing that you or someone you love may be energetically entangled with a family member that is no longer living in the physical dimension?  Are you wondering what you can do to separate the energy and fate of the living from the energy and fate of the dead?

It’s Not My Fate

It’s very important to realize that being drawn to the dead is a fate that does not belong to you.  The individual who was meant to die has already died.  It is your fate to live life fully.  However, if the dead are not acknowledged by you or the rest of the family system, if they are not held in the heart with honour and respect, if they were not openly mourned in an appropriate manner, if they are part of a family secret that is hushed by family members, and/or if they are missing from the family system in some way, the dead may energetically attach to a living family member until an emotional energy shift is made.   That family member may be you or one of your children.  The emotional family wound wants to be healed.

Acknowledge the Dead

The dead want to be seen, heard, acknowledged, included, accepted, respected, honoured, and/or loved.  Every family member has a right to belong in the family system regardless of what they may have done or not done.  You have to gain an understanding of the big systemic family picture.  You benefit when you remember that you are part of a much greater whole.  Your wellness is integrally intertwined with the wellness of your whole family system.

Do you embrace an emotional pattern of avoidance or a pattern of healing?  Have you emotionally addressed your unhealthy family relationships?  Have you resolved the ancestral emotional trauma in your family system that is attached to you or your family epigenetically?

Have You Accepted Your Fate?

Accepting your fate is part of accepting life just the way it is.  It means letting go of burdens and fates shared with others and accepting your own fate, not that of another family member.  Sometimes we are able to accept life the way it is when we accept the fate of others.  Frequently this relates to the fate of mother and father.  To understand their fate means looking back briefly at the family system, recognizing the dynamics that energetically created their emotional response patterns in life.  Compassion is the key to healing emotional family trauma and addressing open family wounds.  Compassion for self and compassion for others is vital.  This seems simple enough but there is a catch.

When You Leave Your Family Behind

Energetically, you can’t leave your family behind without consequences.  I frequently talk to people who state that they have nothing to do with their family.  They may have moved across the country to get away from it all.  They believe that they moved on and left it all behind.  This may include leaving a homeland behind, your family of origin, the past, a family secret, or any other energetic tie.

This creates a systemic energetic conundrum.  Before coming to birth you chose to belong to this family system and you chose these family members to provide your greatest challenges in life.  You were to spiritually develop and grow through your association with them and they were to grow spiritually through association with you.  You created challenges for them and they created challenges for you.  When you leave your family behind you renege on a deep spiritual contract with yourself, created with others in the spiritual realm, and you separate yourself from your primary means of healing on the planet.

Emotional Avoidance

Emotional avoidance does not bring healing.  Avoidance might suffice to satisfy some need in the short term, but energetically it is problematic over your lifetime.  If you sweep it under the carpet, eventually you will stumble and fall over this huge lump in the carpet.  Avoidance means not addressing the suppressed emotions you buried in the past.  Avoidance further suppresses the suppressed emotions.

Energetically, individuals struggle in some way if they leave their family behind or they leave the unresolved emotional family trauma behind.  They may experience relationship issues, chronic illness, financial difficulties, mental health issues, spiritual wounds, or any other number of life challenges and obstacles.  You are unconsciously tied to this unresolved familial emotional trauma.  You can’t run and you can’t hide!  In some way, shape, or form the universe will present you with the unresolved emotional trauma that you chose to experience.  You will be faced with creating an energetic separation from the dead.

When you attempt to write off mother, father, siblings, children, grandparents, or other family members from your life, you energetically struggle until you do the healing work to shift any unhealthy relationships into healthy relationships.  By working through the relationship issues in a healthy way, spiritual development and growth occur.  This is important whether the family member is alive or transitioned to the other side.  Until you are able to fully accept your past the way it was and take your mother, father, or other family members into your heart fully, you will continue to struggle in some way.

Ritual and Energetic Healing

The family system is intergenerational and transgenerational and it is essential to acknowledge both the living and the dead.  The dead want to be recognized, accepted, and included.  When an original emotional trauma is repressed by an earlier generation, it re-surfaces or passes down to future generations to be healed.  This occurs epigenetically.  Through body-focused energetic healing work and heart-felt ritual you can create a healthy energetic separation from the dead.



Wellness comes to us when we include, not exclude, the dead.  Healthy energetic separation from the dead is vital to our wellbeing.

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